Who was Advocate Babar Qadir? why Indian Intelligence killed him?


ORB TIMES: Advocate Babar qadir was an advocate from kashmir and was very vocal about FREE KASHMIR MOVEMENT in the Indian Occupied Kashmir. he was a debater, an advocate for Kashmiris, and a Human right activist .

“He was calling Spade a Spade and that is what he was” one of his friends who spoke literally crying over the phone said “ He paid the price for that”

According to the reports Babar qadir had reached home and was busy in changing his clothes when somebody informed him that two persons who were carrying a file as well. When he reached at the gate to see those strangers opened fire and two bullets hit him. He was collapsed on the spot he was driven to the SKIMS where he was declared dead.


 if we see the history Babar Qadir was very vocalist about Indian Occupied Kashmirs Freedom. in recent months he criticized indian government and Forces on Indian TV Channel and said “India Murda bad” when anchor forced him to say “Pakistan Murda Bad” It is believed that he has been shot by Indian Intelligence because of his political beliefs and his anti Inda Point of view.
This is not the first murdered which has happened in recent years thousands of Kashmiris has been killed and badly injured by indian forces who have occupied Kashmir since 1947 and it has been a cause of four wars between Pakistan and india