ORBTIMES: 15 August 2019 is the 73rd Independence Day for INDIA. Most recent act of Indian Government to declare Indian occupied Kashmir as a state of India by violating United Nation rules and also their own Constitution has raised some serious questions word wide. According to the Reports by theguardian.com
“A lockdown in Indian-administered Kashmir was put in place on 4 August, just before a presidential order to subsume the region into India’s federal government by revoking article 370 of the constitution and downgrading the state of Jammu and Kashmir into two union territories. A new law allows anyone to buy land there, which some Kashmiris fear could change the region’s culture and demographics. Critics have likened it to Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories.
India’s foreign ministry officials have said Kashmir is returning to normality, but reports from the region describe the severe constraints, including steel and barbed wire street blockades and the suspension of internet, mobile phone and landline services.
While daily protests have erupted in Kashmir, Modi has received widespread public support in other parts of India.
“Article 370 should have been removed a long time ago, but better late than never,” Amarjeet Singh, a businessman from Delhi, said outside the Red Fort as India finalised preparations on Wednesday.
“It is good. Everyone will be benefited by this, because every common man will be able to work there and start business there,” Singh said.
On Thursday, turning to his agenda to make India a $5tn economy in the next five years, Modi said the changes in Kashmir would help the region contribute more to India’s development.
“In the last 70 years we became a $2tn economy, but in the last five years, we added $1tn to the economy. This gives me the confidence of becoming a $5tn economy in the coming years,” Modi said.
The prime minister, whose Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata party won a landslide victory in general elections in May, also announced the creation of a new chief of defence staff to coordinate the country’s security operations.
He also made a pitch for restructuring India’s electoral system so that state and lower house of parliament elections are held simultaneously rather than on separate timetables”
People of Kashmir and Pakistan has declared Indian Independence Day as a Black Day. Thousands of people are gathered outside the embassy of India in London.
There are reports that Members of Sikh Community ,who are also raising voices inside India for freedom from many years has joined the Black Day along with the people of Kashmir.

This is not only the issue india is facing, There are many Freedom Movements are going on inside the country from many years. Mainly kashmir, Khalistan and Nagaland.
India has almost 200 Million Muslims living in different part of the Country who are facing religious intolerance and lack of freedom.

Sikh Community is also not happy with Governement of India and already they are running a movement for their separate state “Khalistan” in 2020 they have planed out to announce their Freedom with a country wide referendum.