80 US nationals killed in attack: Iranian state TV


ORB TIMES- Iran Attacked two US bases in Iraq this morning. According to the sources Iran Fired 15 Missiles out of which 11 hit the Target.

After the Attacks US President Donald Trump Tweeted “ALL IS WELL”

His tweet indicates that there is no casualties or damage. but on the other Hand Irans State media is saying that they killed 80 US Personnel.

Foreign Minister of Iran Javad Zarif tweeted soon after the Attack.

Al Jazeera and Iran Press Tv Says;

“Iranian state television said that at least 80 “American terrorists” were killed in attacks involving 15 missiles Tehran launched on US targets in Iraq, adding that none of the missiles were intercepted.

State TV, citing a senior Revolutionary Guards source, also said Iran had 100 other targets in the region in its sights if Washington took any retaliatory measures.”

It also said US helicopters and military equipment were “severely damaged”.

We are still waiting for the confirmed reports from any neutral sources.

Iran warns of “more crushing responses” if Washington retaliates to Wednesday’s missile attacks against US troops in Iraq. We can clearly see that “A war is coming” All the eyes are on the Press conference which President Donald Trump is going to do in few hours. This war will lead to a regional conflict that could result into a WW3.