Who is Greta Thunberg?


Greta Thunberg is the most famous Swedish climate activist. The reason of her popularity is the struggle to fight climate change and this become a reason that she received worldwide recognition.

Who is Greta Thunberg?

As mention above Greta is a climate youth activist who started a worldwide development of climate change starting in 2018. Thunberg even started protesting outside Swedish parliament. She made a very straightforward message ‘’ school strike for climate’’ which was written on publication board and took the school off on Friday. Media played a very favorable role in spreading her activities and effected the spirit of all youngsters to arrange and raise their voices. 

Thunberg and many youths all through Europe have launched ‘’Fridays for future’’. They all kept constraining leaders and lawmakers to follow up on environmental change through their regular walkouts. Additionally, Thunberg also struggled hard by travelling the world and meeting with worldwide leaders. She also spoke with assemblies and demanded climate solutions and a recommitment to the Paris Agreement.  Even Thunberg clearly mentioned on media ‘’Asperger syndrome’’ is her ‘’superpower’’. Her name was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize,2019.


Early life

On January 3,2003, Thunberg was born in Stockholm, Sweden. At the age of 15 she started her work on climate activism. She belonged to an artistic family.  Malena Erdmann, her mother is an opera singer while her father, Svante Thunberg is an actor. She also has a younger sister, Beata who is very passionate about her own challenges dealing with disorders like ADHD and OCD. Beata is also a famous singer in Sweden.

Climate activism

At the age of eight she originally learned about climate crisis.  From that point forward, she tried to lower her carbon footprint by not flying and turning out to be vegetarians and that thing also affected her family to do the same.

In December 2018, her speech at United Nations COP24 in Katowice, Poland went rival. She has also invited on several rallies like in Stockholm, London and Brussels, to speak about climate youth movement.

Addressing the Secretary-General, she mentioned clearly that she is not interested in getting popularity. All she needs is climate justice and the living planet.

United Nation Climate Action Summit, ‘How Dare You ‘speech

 whole world’s eyes were stuck on Thunberg. Media brought news headline about her speech on September 21, 2019. This speech was held at the United Nations Climate Action. Her indignant speeches lambasted lawmakers and U.N Secretary- General Antonio Guterres.

‘’ your empty words have broken my all dreams and childhood. But still I consider myself lucky enough. People are suffering and dying. She said. ‘’ you can only talk about money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth, we are in the beginning of a mass extinction. How dare you!’’

She more added: ‘’ for more than thirty years, the science has been completely clear. How could you keep on turning away and come here saying that you are doing enough, when the political and solutions needed are still in sight. You are making fool of us, but our youngsters are now started working on how to understand your betrayal. The eyes of every single future age have arrived’’. I must say ‘’ if you have decided to fail us, then remember we will never forgive you.’’

Greta at UN

Later, Thunberg collaborated with fifteen young climate activists. She raised voice about Argentina, France, Germany, Brazil and Turkey. She participated with fifteen activists to file an official complaint about these five countries for not given their Paris Agreement pledges and therefore deprived off from the UN Convention on the Rights of the child treaty.

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President trump’s Response

President Donald trump left a statement after Thunberg’s ‘’ How Dare You’’ speech. He gave a command after her speech. His words for Thunberg were ‘’ she seems like a happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!’’ he written.


After listening these words from president, Thunberg in response changed her twitter bio putting Trump’s words. Her profile looks; A very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future.’’ Although it was just a temporarily status.

Nobel peace prize

As a climate activism, Thunberg was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in March 2019. But she lost the award to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.


Future plans

For further implementation about climate action, Thunberg decides to visit South America, Mexico and Canada to arrange a meeting with environmental activists and search out those regions who are highly affected by climate change. In December 2019, she will go for the UN Climate Change Conference (COP25) which will held in Chile.