Corona Virus COVID-19 Predictions. Its not what we are thinking.


COVID-19 will go or may lie dormant

It was predicted that the virus will be raging in the spring, especially in March, April and first half of May, but become weak in the summer starting in June. The virus will calm down so much that many people might assume that the COVID-19 is gone. I don’t believe this will be the case. The virus may lie dormant, only to strike again in September through all of November, and possibly extend as far as mid-December so we might be coping with this virus until December 2020

General Forecast.

It is also predicted that the pandemic will end this year globally by May 11. and things will have a positive turn from May onwards.

The severity of the virus  hitting its peak in early April will slow down thereafter when Sun, the king of all planets, will enter Aries, slowly giving us strength and immunity. The ones who are already affected will likely continue being ill until this transition is complete.
By the beginning of May, there will be a lot of healing day by day, and we will be in a position to take control over the virus and the death toll. There will be cures in the form of medicines and vaccines by 30th June 2020.
Around mid-September the potency of the virus will be diluted. A complete control over the pandemic will only be achieved between September & November.

Astrological forecast.

Astrologists say that we were due for a pandemic, as it has been a little over 100 years that we have seen one this big. The Spanish Influenza of 1918 was the closest type of virus to coronavirus, which was severe, infecting more than one-fourth of the world’s population. In Spanish Influenza year – 1918, Pluto and Jupiter were also orbiting tightly together, just as they are now in 2020. Italy is ruled by Gemini; Gemini rules the lungs, so that’s why Italy has been hit so hard as this virus attacks the lungs. Jupiter is strongly involved in this aspect, and Jupiter not only expands what it touches, but Jupiter is also considered the planet of miracles. Albert Einstein once wrote, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” He said he chose the latter. I do, too. Jupiter in his current position throughout 2020 will be capable of creating the miracle we all need. Have faith,
The scientists say that our misuse of the earth’s resources and lack of proper stewardship of our planet have led to an imbalance that encourages deadly viruses to surface. This is a story of man and nature. In the age of technology, we moved so fast that we forgot our role in the universe, but now is the time to rethink how we operate and make necessary changes. We are the galloping horses and Nature will always hold the reins.

I believe in Allah as a muslim and the power of prayer, and I feel if we all pray, Allah Almighty will listen and  help us. It is my advice in the light of my spiritual experiences, whichever religion you follow spend more time praying for relief and peace and be kinder than before. It may sound silly to many but this is the only way out. Go back to the roots and holistic lifestyle.

Let us to please Almighty God

We all muslims, Christians and jews believe in Allah(Almighty God ) and the power of prayers, and I feel if we all pray, Allah Almighty will listen and  help us. It is my advice  in the light of my spiritual experiences, whichever religion you follow spend more time praying for relief and peace and be kinder than before. It may sound silly to many but this is the only way out.

As a student of spiritualism I advise remedy all believers of Allah ( God ) as follow
1…Muslims.. recite
surah muhammad
Surah rehman
Surah maryam( mary )

2…Christians recite
Verses of Mary &Jesus
Verses of Noah

3 ….Jews recite
Verses of Moses
Verses of Noah
Verses of Mary

Recite once daily loudly

by Farooq Bangash
(Professional Journalist and Author of many Publications)