Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States. He is in a habit to participate in various controversies. He is fearless. In the history of the United States his rise of the Oval office is controversial. He defeated political machine of Senator Hillary Clinton for a defeat at the polls. Trump also faced success and failures in life, but here is now media who presented his latest adventure.
Trump considered the most amazing figures in the history of the U.S.A. The reason of his popularity was strange hairstyle and frank wisecracks. He is real estate developer to casino owner. He is a reality TV star. Infect he is the center of attention among politics and commerce.

Here are 30 facts about President of U.S.A.
- Donald Trump’s full name is Donald John Trump.
- He was born on 14th June 1946 in New York. His age is 73.
- Three political affiliations have been attached with him, he is republican at present, democratic from 1987 to 2009 and independent from 2011 to 2012.
- Trump married three times. His present wife is Melania Knauss, while his first wife was Levana Zelnickova from 1977 – 1991, then Marla Maples from 1993 – 1999.
- He is the second youngest of five children.
- Trump never smoke or drink and he gets this inspiration from the death of his older brother Red Jr.
- He belongs to Scottish and German ancestry.
- John G. Trump is a famous uncle of Donald Trump. He is a professor of Massachusetts institution of Technology. He allowed to examine famed inventor Nikola Tesla’s papers and equipment. It was the time when Tesla passed away.

- Trump’s grandfather Frederick Trump is a reason of family’s fortune. As he faced a fortune while operating restaurants and boarding houses in the boom towns of Seattle and Klondike, Canada.
- When the thirty years of war occurred in 1600s, Trump family’s name was changed from Drumpf to Trump.
- New York Military Academy aka NYMA is a biggest reason of trump’s success.
- Trump also attended Wharton school at the university of Pennsylvania and Fordham university, also graduated Wharton in 1968 with a degree in economics.
- Trump did not like military even he deferment four students but later he realized that he is fit for this duty. So, he got a 1-Y medical deferment in October 196. Later in December 1969 he was free from service when he received a high replacement number in the draft lottery.
- In 1971 Trump handled his first family ‘s company Elizabeth Trump and son. He changed company’s name with a new title ‘Trump Organization’. Later justice department putted a blame on Trump’s company that it is a discrimination against blacks and as a result this project of Trump ended up. However, some steps taken into view between the company and DOJ to find a solution about that issue.
- In 1978, by remodeling of the Grand Hyatt Hotel Trump made his first real estate deal in Manhattan.
- Trump’ signature base of operations ‘’Trump Tower’’ has been completed in 1983.
- Trump six times filed for bankruptcy towards his business properties between 1991 and 2009.
- He owns and set off almost 18 golf courses.
- It was a time when Trump considered owner of three major beauty pageants. later from 1996-2015 he owned Miss Universe, Miss USA, Miss Teen USA.
- Trump owned and ran his Trump ‘’University LLC ‘’ from 2005-2010. Real estate training has been done through Trump’s provided courses.
- Trump also established the ‘’Donald Trump Foundation’’ which was ended up because of multiple violations accused by NY State Attorney General’s office in 2013.
- ‘’Screen Actors Guild’’ is an organization, which work for benefits and welfare of working actors in movies and television. Trump is also a member of this organization.
- Donald is an Entrainment fan of WWE, World Wrestling.
- From 2003 till now he has been selected as an executive producer of the show ’The Apprentice’. However, because of his presidential activities this show is on hiatus.
- Donald blessed with eight grandchildren.
- He has five children. Three from his first marriage. He has a daughter called Tiffany from his third wife. His fifth child born on 20th March 2006, a boy named Barron.
- Donald possesses Presbyterian faith_ A Christian denomination noted for its use of committees of elders to oversee the church.
- His net worth is $3.7 from November 2016.
- On 19th July 2016 he was nominated for President of the United States.
- On 9th November 2016 he became the 45th president of the United States.
- Trump’s grandfather Frederick Trump is a reason of family’s fortune. As he faced a fortune while operating restaurants and boarding houses in the boom towns of Seattle and Klondike, Canada.
- When the thirty years of war occurred in 1600s, Trump family’s name was changed from Drumpf to Trump.
- New York Military Academy aka NYMA is a biggest reason of trump’s success.
- Trump also attended Wharton school at the university of Pennsylvania and Fordham university, also graduated Wharton in 1968 with a degree in economics.
- Trump did not like military even he deferment four students but later he realized that he is fit for this duty. So, he got a 1-Y medical deferment in October 196. Later in December 1969 he was free from service when he received a high replacement number in the draft lottery.
- Trump’ signature base of operations ‘’Trump Tower’’ has been completed in 1983.
- Trump six times filed for bankruptcy towards his business properties between 1991 and 2009.
- He owns and set off almost 18 golf courses.
- It was a time when Trump considered owner of three major beauty pageants. later from 1996-2015 he owned Miss Universe, Miss USA, Miss Teen USA.
- Trump owned and ran his Trump ‘’University LLC ‘’ from 2005-2010. Real estate training has been done through Trump’s provided courses.
- Trump also established the ‘’Donald Trump Foundation’’ which was ended up because of multiple violations accused by NY State Attorney General’s office in 2013.
- ‘’Screen Actors Guild’’ is an organization, which work for benefits and welfare of working actors in movies and television. Trump is also a member of this organization.
- Donald is an Entrainment fan of WWE, World Wrestling.
- From 2003 till now he has been selected as an executive producer of the show ’The Apprentice’. However, because of his presidential activities this show is on hiatus.
- Donald blessed with eight grandchildren.