Indian Hollywood legend Amitabh Bachan Twitter Account Hacked by Turkish/Pakistani Hackers

Pakistani prim Minister Imran khan on the display Picture of Amitabh Bachan Twitter Profile picture. Though apart from India Pakistan Rivalry both Amitabh and Imran are old fellows.

According to the reports and Twitter followers of hollywood star Amitabh Bachan. Official Twitter account of indian legend got hacked this morning.
The hackers were seems like from Turkey and they updated Pakistan prime Minister Picture on display picture.

They tweets two times, First they tweet regarding the ongoing Brutality of Indian forces in occupied Kashmir. Then they tweet regarding Turkish football team and warn Republic of Iceland to avoid Irrespective Behavior with Turkish Football team. Amitabh Bachan who is Bollywood legend and using twitter himself have not given any statement till yet. but it seems like he has already recovered his twitter Account.