Bombshells in royal interview.


ORB TIMES: Prince Harry and Meghan interviews to Oprah.

According to CNN and BBC they have reveled a bombshell. The Environment where they are living has been exposed fully by the couple. Below are the Key Points revealed by the Royal Couple.

Oprah Winfrey’s broadcast interview with Harry and Meghan has ended. Here are the biggest takeaways:

  • Meghan’s suicidal thoughts: She revealed that life within the royal family was so isolating, lonely, and lacking in support that she had experienced suicidal thoughts. She told Harry because “I knew that if I didn’t say it, that I would do it — and I just didn’t want to be alive anymore.”
  • Archie’s race: The couple’s son, Archie, wouldn’t receive a title or security, Meghan revealed — and within the royal family, there were several “concerns and conversations about how dark (Archie’s) skin might be when he was born.” Harry confirmed these conversations — but added that he would never share details about them.
  • It’s a girl! The couple, sitting side by side, revealed that they are expecting a girl in the summer.
  • The royal wedding: They had gotten married three days before the glamorous royal wedding, Meghan said — and the vows from that private wedding are framed in their home.
  • Trapped without knowing: Harry said that, like Meghan, he had also been trapped within the system — but he hadn’t known it. He added that his brother and father were also trapped, and that the royal institution was a stifling environment.
  • Harry and his family: Harry revealed that his father, Prince Charles, had stopped taking his calls while the couple transitioned into their new roles after stepping away from the royal family. Charles has since started taking his calls again. Harry expressed his love for his brother, Prince William, but their relationship is experiencing some “space” at the moment.
  • Meghan and the royal family: She had been welcomed into the royal family, and said the Queen had been wonderful and welcoming — but beyond that, there was nearly no guidance or support. She wasn’t allowed to leave the house for months due to concerns regarding optics. When she finally expressed her battered mental health and asked the institution for help, she says she was told no.
  • Meghan and Kate: Meghan denied the rumors that she had made Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, cry during her royal wedding. In fact, it was the other way around — a disagreement with Kate had made Meghan cry, she said. Kate has apologized and the issue has been resolved — but the public attacks had been hard to bear with no way of speaking the truth, said Meghan.

All American Celebrities’ are supporting the Couple on their brave move. Tennis Star Serena Williams who is also Friend of Meghan has tweeted in support of her Friend.

The Reaction from Royal Palace is unlikely because the discussion was too personal to react by Royal Palace.
